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- Gründung aus dem Ausland
Gründung aus dem Ausland - found a company from abroad
Founding a company is a somehow difficult project coming to an unknown country.
It´s our job in the Chamber of Commerce to guide your way through registrations, other necessary steps and, last not least, assist you in your process of writing a business plan.
Our appointments are possible to be done in English, same as our basic informations. As of 2025, we recently turned some of our handouts at least in the English language. Take notice of the businessplan informations in the various languages in the download section on the right. Additionally, our own checklists for the process of founding a company are already turned into English, Turkish and Ukrainian. Additional informations from other institutions are available in our live appointments. We also forward questions to our foreign department, in person of our colleague Anna Steinberg, steinberg(at)bonn.ihk.de, 0228-228164, if this is necessary for import or export ideas.
We are also your contact person when the immigration authority asks us for an assessment of your startup idea.
Please note, that in such cases, do not address us directly. Decisions concerning the allowance of founding companies by non-EU-citizens are forwarded to us from the mentioned authorities automatically for judgement.
All the details in this particular planning process are comparable to the business planning for locals. We ask for a minimum 3 years-planning in numbers and a detailed description of both the idea itself and the person presenting it, which is your CV, curricum vitae, and additional reports, to name but a few.
We review your idea, write our judgement to the authorities concerning the importance of your foundation for the country/region and ask for corrections, if necessary or state our opinion that we support your ideas. On the right side of this page, we offer the direct links to the institutions both in the town of Bonn and the region Rhein-Sieg.
For all other questions, don´t hesitate to contact us, we are delighted to accompany your way into bringing your future project to life!
Your team of the business support at the Chamber of Commerce Bonn/Rhein-Sieg
Downloads - intern
Downloads - extern
Business Plan Workbook - Arabisch
Business Plan Workbook - Bosnisch
Business Plan Workbook - Chinesisch
Business Plan Workbook - Dari
Business Plan Workbook - Englisch
Business Plan Workbook - Französisch
Business Plan Workbook - Polnisch
Business Plan Workbook - Spanisch
Business Plan Workbook - Tigrinya
Business Plan Workbook - Türkisch
Business Plan Workbook - Ukrainisch
Business Plan Workbook - Vietnamesisch

- Christian Pinnekamp
- 0228 2284-232
- 0228 2284-222
- C.Pinnekamp@bonn.ihk.de
- in Adressbuch übernehmen

- Anna Steinberg
- 0228 2284-164
- A.Steinberg@bonn.ihk.de
- in Adressbuch übernehmen