The region has much to offer for both locals and visitors.
Bonn is the birthplace of the world famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven. It boasts the Beethoven Orchestra, the Beethoven Choir and the house where he was born. It is a popular destination for many visitors. The Bonn Opera House and numerous theatres offer a very varied programme of top calibre performances.
Over the course of time a large number of small playhouses have become established. This includes the "Haus der Springmaus" which is well known far beyond the region.
The major magnets for visitors are the 50 or so museums throughout the region. The 5 museums along the so-called "Museum Mile": the Kunstmuseum Bonn (art), the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Haus der Geschichte (contemporary German history), the Deutsches Museum Bonn (science and technology) and the Alexander König Museum (natural history and biodiversity) alone draw millions of visitors to Bonn each year with their permanent and temporary exhibitions.
Architecture enthusiasts are also well catered for in the Bonn region. Numerous castles, manor houses, churches, convents and other buildings steeped in tradition offer attractive opportunities to explore and admire different styles.
For fans of residential architecture, a visit to the Villenviertel (villa quarter) in Bad Godesberg with its nineteenth century villas is highly recommended. A walk through the Bonn Südstadt, where more than 90% of the renovated Wilhelminian period houses and facades are protected by listed building legislation, is also well worth its time.